Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Twitter Joins Social E-Commerce, Launches ‘Twitter Shops’


Twitter Joins Social E-Commerce, Launches ‘Twitter Shops’

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Following Facebook and Instagram’s footsteps in social e-commerce, Twitter announced on Wednesday, March 9, that the social media platform would launch a beta experiment for Twitter Shops.

Twitter also has another shopping feature, “Shop Module.” However, unlike Shop Module, which can only present five products on the brand’s profile, Twitter states that Twitter Shops offer a fully immersive and broader space to showcase various products.

According to Twitter, using Twitter Shops, merchants can select up to 50 products that they will showcase to shoppers on Twitter. The feature, which is offered for free, allows users to view products from the profiles of the brands. This feature makes products quickly found, especially when users talk and discover these products on their timelines.

Brands have to activate the Twitter Shops before seeing the “View Shop” button above their tweets. Once activated, the button will open the shop, showcasing the collection of products wherein users can browse and purchase. Users can view more information about the product by clicking on the item that will open an in-app browser that will lead them to the product information and checkout on the brand’s website.

Twitter also said that the beta feature aims to support small businesses, creators, and big businesses. “Like all of our Twitter Shopping features – the Shop Module, Live Shopping, and our Shopping Manager – Twitter Shops is part of a larger effort to better support professionals of all kinds – from small businesses and creators to big brands – who come to Twitter to do business,” Twitter wrote in their blog.

They also aim to establish a connection between the brands and the audience. It also aims to let users engage with the brands using the social media platform. “People are already talking about products on Twitter. We want Twitter Shops to be the home for merchants on Twitter where they can intentionally curate a catalog of products for their Twitter audience and build upon the product discussions already happening on our service by giving shoppers a point of action where a conversation can become a purchase,” Twitter added.

However, Twitter Shops is a feature only available in the United States. U.S. businesses such as Verizon and All I Do Is Cook have already enabled the feature.

Twitter states that they are still exploring how they will make Shops more discoverable, expanding the space for the products, and how they will bring Twitter shops for more brands and people.

As of now, non-U.S. users can only hope and wait that Twitter also launches the feature outside the United States, which will be a great and new platform that people can use for social e-commerce. Meanwhile, Twitter expresses their enthusiasm as they look forward to making shopping easier on the platform.
